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org.byteml.ByteMLConstants Interface Reference

Inheritance diagram for org.byteml.ByteMLConstants:

org.byteml.serialize.ByteMLBuilder List of all members.

Public Attributes

String ROOT_NODE = "byteml"

Package Attributes

String VERSION = "0.5"
String ATTR_VERSION = "version"
String BYTEML_HOME = ""
String BYTEML_AUTHOR = "Karthik Kumar -"
String ELE_CLASSINFO = "class"
String ATTR_NAME = "name"
String ATTR_SUPERCLASS = "superclass"
String ATTR_TYPE = "type"
String ATTR_QUALIFIER = "qualifier"
String TYPE_CLASS = "class"
String TYPE_INTERFACE = "interface"
String ELE_INTERFACES = "interfacelist"
String ELE_INTERFACE = "interface"
String ELE_FIELDS = "fieldlist"
String ELE_FIELD = "field"
String ATTR_VALUE = "value"
String ELE_METHODS = "methodlist"
String ELE_METHOD = "method"
String ELE_ARGS = "arglist"
String ELE_ARG = "arg"
String ELE_METHODINFO = "methodinfo"
String ATTR_MAXSTACK = "maxStack"
String ATTR_MAXLOCALS = "maxLocals"
String ELE_BYTECODES = "bytecodes"
String ELE_OPCODE = "opcode"
String ATTR_INDEX = "index"
String ELE_CP = "constantpool"
String ELE_CPENTRY = "constantpoolentry"
String ELE_CASE = "case"
String ATTR_TAG = "tag"
String ATTR_PTR1 = "ptr1"
String ATTR_PTR2 = "ptr2"
String ATTR_TARGET = "target"
String ATTR_CPOINTER = "pool_pointer"
String ATTR_INTCOUNT = "interface_count"

Detailed Description

Constants associated with a byteml file.
Karthik Kumar.

Member Data Documentation

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ATTR_CPOINTER = "pool_pointer" [package]

ConstantPool Pointer *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ATTR_INDEX = "index" [package]

Index attribute *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ATTR_INTCOUNT = "interface_count" [package]

Interface Count *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ATTR_MAXLOCALS = "maxLocals" [package]

MaxLocals attribute *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ATTR_MAXSTACK = "maxStack" [package]

MaxStack attribute *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ATTR_NAME = "name" [package]

Fully Qualified class name *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ATTR_PTR1 = "ptr1" [package]

Pointer 1 *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ATTR_PTR2 = "ptr2" [package]

Pointer 2 *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ATTR_QUALIFIER = "qualifier" [package]

Qualifier of the class/method/field *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ATTR_SUPERCLASS = "superclass" [package]

SuperClass Name *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ATTR_TAG = "tag" [package]

Tag Byte *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ATTR_TARGET = "target" [package]

Target *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ATTR_TYPE = "type" [package]

Type of the class - interface / class . Possible values are TYPE_CLASS/TYPE_INTERFACE

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ATTR_VALUE = "value" [package]

Attribute corresponding to a value of a field *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ATTR_VERSION = "version" [package]

Name of the attribute version of the root element *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.BYTEML_AUTHOR = "Karthik Kumar -" [package]

Author of ByteML *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.BYTEML_HOME = "" [package]

Home of byteml *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.COMMENT_FIELDS [package]

Initial value:

"Fields present in this class"
Fields present in this .class *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.COMMENT_INTERFACES [package]

Initial value:

"Interfaces implemented by this class."
Comment for the interfaces.

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.COMMENT_METHODS [package]

Initial value:

"Methods present in the class"
Comment for the methods present in the class *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ELE_ARG = "arg" [package]

Single argument *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ELE_ARGS = "arglist" [package]

Argument list *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ELE_BYTECODES = "bytecodes" [package]

Element <instructions> *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ELE_CASE = "case" [package]

Case Element *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ELE_CLASSINFO = "class" [package]

ClassInfo Element *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ELE_CP = "constantpool" [package]

ConstantPool *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ELE_CPENTRY = "constantpoolentry" [package]

ConstantPool Entry *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ELE_FIELD = "field" [package]

Element representing a single field *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ELE_FIELDS = "fieldlist" [package]

Element representing the fields. *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ELE_INTERFACE = "interface" [package]

Element representing the interface *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ELE_INTERFACES = "interfacelist" [package]

Element representing the interfaces *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ELE_METHOD = "method" [package]

Element corresponding to a method *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ELE_METHODINFO = "methodinfo" [package]

Element Method Info *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ELE_METHODS = "methodlist" [package]

Element corresponding to a method list *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ELE_OPCODE = "opcode" [package]

Element <eleopcode> *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.ROOT_NODE = "byteml"

Root node of any ByteML Document. *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.TYPE_CLASS = "class" [package]

This is a Class *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.TYPE_INTERFACE = "interface" [package]

This type is an interface and not a class *

String org.byteml.ByteMLConstants.VERSION = "0.5" [package]

Version of this byteml specification. *

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:
Generated on Thu Jan 20 20:26:34 2005 for ByteML-BytecodeMarkupLanguage by doxygen 1.3.7